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Audi R8 Driving Thrill

Audi R8 Driving Thrill

Description: Get behind the wheel of the Audi R8 supercar - a true German motoring masterpiece. Audi's leading designers have pushed the boundaries of racing technology, futuristic construction and luxury refinement to deliver a car which is as exciting to drive as it is stunning to look at. With a 4.2 litre V8 engine capable of reaching 187 mph, this car is sure to satisfy any driving enthusiast! You will begin with a briefing from a qualified instructor who'll talk you through racing lines, techniques and how to best handle the car out on the track. Then you'll be driven around the circuit in a hot hatch for two or three demo laps before putting the theory into practise in the Audi R8. The R8 is handsome, dynamic and its refinement level is guaranteed to impress. Drive four breathtaking laps of either of the 1.8 mile circuits available, they are both designed to put cars like this through their paces. Your driving will be assessed and you'll walk away with a certificate as a ...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 112.00
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