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Lotus Exige S Thrill at Silverstone

Lotus Exige S Thrill at Silverstone

Description: Experience the thrill of driving one of these supercharged British pocket rockets around one of the world's most famous motor racing circuits. Based upon Lotus' renowned 'race car for the road' philosophy, the Exige is a hardcore, mid-engined sports car with astounding handling and power. What's more, this is the S version reaching 0 - 60mph in just 4.1 seconds - breathtaking. You'll start off with a short briefing from a fully qualified instructor who will talk you through racing lines and track driving techniques. Then you'll take the driving seat of this fantastic piece of engineering for nearly ten miles around one of Silverstone's great circuits, giving you the opportunity to experience the razor-sharp handling and raw power of the Lotus firsthand. With an instructor alongside to help you get the most from the car's sensational performance, you'll soon realise why it is so respected. Driving this car at the home of the British Grand Pr...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 120.00
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Similar Items to Lotus Exige S Thrill at Silverstone - The price of the lotus exige s thrill at silverstone is £120. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to lotus exige s thrill at silverstone added by our members that you might be interested in.
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