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RIB Powerboating on the Thames for Two

RIB Powerboating on the Thames for Two

Description: The best way to see London is from the Thames. But if the tourist cruisers are too tame for you, leave them bobbing in your wake in a high-speed powerboat. After a safety briefing you'll board your custom-built Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB). Heading upstream from the London Eye, you'll see the Houses of Parliament before racing back down to Tower Bridge and Canary Wharf, with unrivalled views of Tate Modern, St Paul's Cathedral and the Tower of London along the way. Your experienced skipper knows lots of stories about the layers of history that have built up along the river, and you'll be pulling up sharply to learn some of the history behind the landmarks, and entertaining the crowds as you whisk around in 360-degree spins. Your skipper can tell you all about London's darker past too: the bolt holes that tell tales of the criminals chained up to drown at high tide, and the Watergate dungeon entrance, known for over 300 years as 'Traitors Gate', which bec...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 89.00
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