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Learn Circus or Cowboy Skills

Learn Circus or Cowboy Skills

Description: Join a top specialist skills school in London for a day, it's where many artists go to practise. Choose from either circus skills or cowboy skills at Britain's top centre for the circus arts and have fun learning different skills in a supportive environment. This experience gives you the chance to try either cowboy skills (which includes knife-throwing, whip-cracking and lassoing) or a choice of two different sorts of circus skills (including tight wire walking, juggling, stilt walking and flying trapeze). Full and constant instruction is included so you're sure to learn some really impressive moves. The Circus Space is a registered charity which works to redefine perceptions of circus and broaden its appeal. It is one of the top three circus schools in Europe and a member of the European Federation of Circus Schools and the UK's Circus Arts Forum.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 65.00
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