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A Day and Dusk Nature in Action Day with Natural England

A Day and Dusk Nature in Action Day with Natural England

Description: You've seen those wonderful wildlife documentaries, now visit nature at work for real at Kingley Vale, one of England's most precious and spectacular nature reserves. Take a behind-the-scenes look at nature conservation in action from those in the know, the people who actually manage this important site. As Europe's largest remaining ancient yew forest, the site is a haven for some of the country's most beautiful birds, mammals, insects and flowers. Explore how our ancestors lived in harmony with nature, discover how to creep up on deer and badgers and learn how important a site Kingley Vale historically has been. It isn't Africa, nor a zoo, so we can't guarantee any spectacular big game sightings, but we hope you will share our enthusiasm for the little things that form the tapestry of our own special landscape in England. It doesn't have to be big to be beautiful, so take an opportunity to get up close and personal with some small things which come in...
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Item Price:  £ 97.00
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