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Military Activities Experience

Military Activities Experience

Description: You've got to hand it the army - they've definitely got the best wheels. You can't beat driving around in military vehicles and shooting at stuff. You'll be kitted out in a camouflage suit and helmet and given a full safety briefing. During the course of the experience you'll drive three military vehicles, usually a Russian Grozdilka tank, an FV 432 armoured personnel carrier and amphibious Hagglund tracked carrier round a tough terrain track. There are also Humvees and Stalwarts on site. And you'll get the chance to try something from a range of other activities - go out on an SAS woodland patrol, you might learn how to load and fire mortars and muskets (mind your eyebrows), get a real armoury lecture and demo or do clay pigeon shooting. At the end of the session, the best driver will get to crush a car with a 56 ton Chieftain tank! And you even get to keep your camo suit. So why not leave the tv behind and come and get in touch with your rough and ready s...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 195.00
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