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Medieval Jousting Experience

Medieval Jousting Experience

Description: Life during medieval times might have been grubby, brutal and plague-ridden, but give them their due - they knew how to have fun. And so will you as you make like a knight during this day of old-fashioned antics. You'll start off with a riding assessment, an overview of the equipment and an introduction to the history of jousting. Then you'll take part in various activities on and off your horse, all originally rooted in learning the art of war, including neck reining and learning how to use a flag, lance and shield. Then practise with your lance on the formidable quintaine, a spinning target. After lunch you'll learn a choreographed fight sequence, including broad sword or quarterstaff fighting, before dressing in medieval costume (oh yes, you're going the whole medieval hog here) and putting all you've learnt into action during a tournament. The day will end with the presentation of certificates, and then you can ride off to find a few dragons to slay.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 195.00
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