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Xbox 360 Sonic the Hedgehog

Xbox 360 Sonic the Hedgehog

Description: Sonic celebrates his fifteenth anniversary and blazes his way onto next-generation consoles for an epic adventure that delivers the most intense sensation of speed experienced to date. The game is set in the beautiful lagoon city of Soleana. In his first adventure set in the human world, Sonic meets a beautiful princess named Elyse, whom he quickly befriends, but Princess Elyse is abducted by none other than the calculating Dr. Eggman, who is working under dark and sinister motives. In order to restore safety and serenity, Sonic manoeuvres his way through a series of adventures and challenges where he encounters and interacts with a bevy of allies and enemies, and ultimately goes head to head against the menacing doctor to thwart his malicious plans.Along the way, Sonic encounters a mysterious character named Silver. Blocking him with unique supernatural powers, even the Blue dude with 'tude will find it difficult to out-manoeuvre the enigmatic Silver! As Sonic speeds through ...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 19.99
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Similar Items to Xbox 360 Sonic the Hedgehog - The price of the xbox 360 sonic the hedgehog is £19.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to xbox 360 sonic the hedgehog added by our members that you might be interested in.
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