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Kensington Cotbed in Dark Oak

Kensington Cotbed in Dark Oak

Description: ive chosen this one cos it doesnt look too much like a prison and when she gets older and she starts drawing on the furniture this wont be affected as much as a lighter wood, its also safe as it conforms to BSEN 71 11996. another big present...i know, but would be immensley appreciated (cheesy grin) :-)
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 99.00
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List Details

As you all know, i will be having a little monkey soon, I havent been able to speak to you all much lately if at all, since ive been so busy preparing for the bundle of joy to come. For some of you it will be the first time weve seen each other since i fell pregnant!! and so would like to thank you ever so much in advance for those of you who attend this once in a lifetime event. Here i have compiled a list of things i would like for all price ranges, in order to avoid getting things that wont be used or that i already have.

simply pick a gift, click select to reseve it and follow the instructions given. By clicking on the picture it will take you directly to the website/shop that u can buy the item from, just buying the gift WILL NOT remove it from the list, therefore we could end up with duplicates so please make sure that you reserve it also. thanx :-)

Anyhu, i really look forward to seeing u
lots of love rumbi
Creation Date : 19 May 2010
Event Date : 27 Jun 2010

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