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DVD Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

DVD Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Description: In the next instalment of the Harry Potter series, Voldemort is back, and new dangers lie in wait for Harry and his friends. With the return of Lord Voldemort, the Death Eaters are wreaking havoc, and Hogwarts is no longer as safe as it once used to be. Harry is in his sixth year at Hogwarts, and finds a book which is property of 'the Half Blood Prince'. It helps him in his Potions class, and teaches him some dark and dangerous potions too. Harry is suspicious that dangers lie within the castle walls, but Dumbledore wants to get Harry ready for his final battle. Harry needs to uncover a vital key to unlocking Voldemorts defences, and this critical information is only known by Professor Horace Slughorn. Slughorn returns to his previous post with promises of more money, a bigger office and the chance to teach the famous Harry Potter.Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Michael Gambon, Alan Rickman.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 15.99
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