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DVD Bionicle - The Legend Reborn

DVD Bionicle - The Legend Reborn

Description: Cast out of his own universe, his stature gone, Mata Nui fights to unite a devastated land and find the secret to reclaiming his own lost empire. Mata Nui awakens to find himself in a remote, decaying wasteland of scrap parts and burnished metals. Local villages scavenge for what remains. Pitting the best gladiator in each village against one another, tribes can quickly end quarrels based on the outcome of the fight. Mata Nui, in search of how to get home, quickly finds himself in the middle of one of those battles.As a result of his brave actions Mata Nui strikes a friendship and is asked to help fight the villagers’ real enemies the Skrall and the Bone Hunters. Mata Nui accepts, thereby delaying his own quest to find a way home. United, he and his band of gladiators and scavengers battle amongst the strange creatures and even stranger landscapes as our hero Mata Nui longs to return home to help save his enslaved people.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 7.99
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Creation Date : 24 Aug 2009
Event Date : Not Set

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