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Wash-It Laundry Ball

Wash-It Laundry Ball

Description: You're no doubt familiar with the whole gamut of washing paraphernalia... you've lugged them all home over the years. Well, this is a power-packed ball that does it all! Scientifically formulated pellets inside the Wash-It Ball 'activate' water molecules producing electrolytic oxygen and hydrogen ions, which unleash their natural power to lift dirt from clothing fibres. The results are tremendous, and so are the benefits. For a start, the ball is good for 100 washes (based on a one hour cycle) which makes it so economical, especially if you bear in mind that no softeners are needed. It's absolutely safe and gentle for every fabric, and leaves no unsightly detergent residue behind that can irritate sensitive skin; contains no harsh chemicals that deteriorate fibres or fade colours; and lastly, it's environmentally friendly. 18g stain remover stick included for stubborn stains.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 7.99
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Similar Items to Wash-It Laundry Ball - The price of the wash-it laundry ball is £7.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to wash-it laundry ball added by our members that you might be interested in.
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