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Ewbank® Raycop Antibacterial Bed Vac

Ewbank® Raycop Antibacterial Bed Vac

Description: With 120 years’ experience to their name, Ewbank know that however hard we try to keep our homes clean, dust mites remain in attendance, particularly in our beds – triggering allergies, asthma and skin complaints, affecting one in four of the population. Their new hand-held vacuum cleaner makes an effective contribution to managing allergies by helping to eradicate dust mites from mattresses and pillows, tackling the problems at source.Given the seal of approval by the British Allergy Foundation, the Raycop Vac works in three unique ways:the vac shines a UV-C sterilising lamp which kills 99.9% of bacteriaa vibrating pad releases millions of dust mites from the bed, to enable deep-down cleaningtwo-stage micro allergy filtration safely and efficiently removes dust mites and their allergens.A sound investment, Raycop helps to ensure safer, cleaner beds for a restful night’s slumber.Lamp lasts for 6000 hours.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 119.99
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Similar Items to Ewbank® Raycop Antibacterial Bed Vac - The price of the ewbank® raycop antibacterial bed vac is £119.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to ewbank® raycop antibacterial bed vac added by our members that you might be interested in.
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