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Coco Knit Cupcakes

Coco Knit Cupcakes

Description: There's nothing like a nice cup of tea and a sit down well now you can cherish that afternoon tea feeling forever. All my cupcakes have a different flavour each with its own individual topping of buttons or beads which means you'll always have your very own original treat to savour.This is a  unique collection of 5 cupcakes handknitted with a selection of button toppings giving each cake its own twist, all are set in a red silcone caseAs all cupcakes are unique once sold they cannot be recreated so if you see one you like please order soon to avoid disappointment. However new flavours and toppings are being baked all the time so please be sure to check back again regularly.Coco Red Cherry is a brown knitted cake with a bright red cherry style button topping.Coco Red Flower is a brown knitted cake topped with a delicate red flower button.Coco Pink and Red  is a brown knitted cake with two contrasting buttons s...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 6.50
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Similar Items to Coco Knit Cupcakes - The price of the coco knit cupcakes is £6.5. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to coco knit cupcakes added by our members that you might be interested in.
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