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Hand-printed Burlesque Wallpaper

Hand-printed Burlesque Wallpaper

Description: Create a focal point in a room with this eye-catching 'Burlesque' Wallpaper designed by Dupenny.All Dupenny wallpapers are hand screen-printed in the uk.Dimensions:  52cm x 3m.Repeat:  This large design is made up of 2 panels, A and B.  They must be hung consecutively (please see image).  The full repeat size is approx. 3m x 1m.This design can be scaled down so the whole pattern is smaller, please ask if you need this service. Other colours available. It is also possible to print this item to match a colour of your choice. Dupenny uses only the highest grade paper, made from 100% cellulous fibres and sourced from managed forests. Only water-based inks are used when printing. Any off-cuts are sent for recycling. dupenny makes every effort to be eco-friendly where possible. Dupenny offers a bespoke service. Your designs (or your children's) can be screen-printed onto wallpaper, tiles, greeting cards, and children's t-shirts and dresses. Please c...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 90.00
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