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Tribal Vase Set

Tribal Vase Set

Description: The vases of Gutzz are perfect in both modern and traditional interiors. The unique timeless designs are from Tony Wang, a highly talented designer and interior architect. The vases are made of Tung wood. Tung trees grow in the hot, arid climate of south China. Since time immemorial these trees have been planted around settlements in order to protect the people living on the dry plains from sand storms. Only trees that are felled by storms or age may be cleared and for each tree that is cleared a new one is planted. Art objects made from Tung wood have a serene beauty. The craftsmen have a natural feeling for shape and design and are able to produce a great variety of unique decorative objects. Therefore each object is made wholly by hand and is hence unique. There are series which vary in shape, height and diameter. Standing alone or in groups of similar objects, the effect is always unique and mysterious.The unique collection of art objects made from Tung wood is being marketed ...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 477.00
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