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B' kini Chair

B' kini Chair

Description: A reversible reclining chair. It looks so simple, but crazily enough no one has ever thought of it before. Top architect and designer Wiel Arets (also designer for Alessi, Italy) together with Gutzz has managed to come up with a uniquely shaped chair on which you can lie on your back or your front for sunbathing. Courage and innovative thinking have gone into this magnificently designed, extremely comfortable and ergonomic chaise longue upholstered in luxury fabric.The chair is made of polyethylene and is available in black and white. The matching cover, which can be washed in the washing machine, is completely hand-knotted and made of lycra, which is often used to make swimwear. Lycra dries fast and it is wonderfully soft to lie on. The B'kini Chair is extremely ergonomic because your back is stretched a little. This relieves pressure on the vertebrae and also gives a wonderfully relaxing feeling. Additionally the concave shape on the other side of th...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 888.00
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