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Indoor Planted Plantabox

Indoor Planted Plantabox

Description: Measuring 31cm L x 20cm W x 15cm H, this small rustic pine coloured personalised Plantabox will look just as good on your kitchen window sill as it would in a conservatory. A great and lasting gift for all occasions.Planted with a trio of contrasting colour and interest houseplants and complete with care instructions. Currently using a palm, fittonia and calandiva (as per picture) but if not available, similar plants will be used. Personalisation - choose up to 14 characters (incl. spaces and abbreviations) per line. Personalisation is on ONE side and comes in capitals only. Please use // to indicate how the two lines of text should be split.Choose to add the Deposit 5/- stencil to both ends - reproducing the stamp on the original apple crates which showed the returnable 5 shillings that had to be paid.Delivery Instructions - to avoid delays, please give details of where the item could be left if recipient out - ie. porch, garage or neighbour.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 37.00
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