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Vanlife Poem Mug

Vanlife Poem Mug

Description: Featuring our vanlife poem - this is a must for any nostalgic camper or van lover.... Reminising about simpler times.  In turquoise blue only.  A matching teatowel and apron are available. The Mugs are designed and decorated by hand in the UK10cm high by 9cm diameter, they make a generous 250ml cuppa!THE POEM:retro vans, warm dry tents, sunshine and the sea,... sleeping bags, lovely view and a cup of tea,... sausages, eggs and beans and of course some ham,... scones with clotted cream and lots of homemade jam,... old school tunes, crazy moves and a roaring fire,... sharing hugs, no bed bugs and singing like a choir,... warm wet showers, clean dry towels and a working loo,... having fun doing simple stuff just like you used to do,... realising life is grand and really quite a thrill,... hanging out with all your mates and remembering how to chill,... so don’t delay and hold your dream and go out while you can,... and find and keep and cherish your own classic c...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 8.00
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Similar Items to Vanlife Poem Mug - The price of the vanlife poem mug is £8. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to vanlife poem mug added by our members that you might be interested in.
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