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The Posh Pinny

The Posh Pinny

Description: A beautiful and elegant full length pinny with a sumptuous velvet-trimmed elasticated pocket that ties in a fabulous bow at the back. Tailored to flatter and lovingly handmade, it's truly lovely, unique and can be worn with pride on any occasion, whether you're hosting a dinner party, answering the door, cooking, cleaning or just want to look a little special while you're doing the dishes! 100% Cotton. Thick, durable and washable, as well as beautiful. Handmade in England.Available in the following fabulous colours:  Red Spotty, Lavender Spotty and Hot Pink Spotty. Beautifully gift wrapped in a box with tissue paper to make it a lovely present - for you or someone else! We're very sorry, but the red candy stripe pictured is no longer available. However, we've kept some of the photos of it, so we can show you the beautiful design features that are on each and every one of our Posh Pinnies.  Free delivery. 
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 42.00
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Similar Items to The Posh Pinny - The price of the the posh pinny is £42. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to the posh pinny added by our members that you might be interested in.
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