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Holly&Lil Harnesses small/medium to large

Holly&Lil Harnesses small/medium to large

Description: It took us a year to prototype,  test and refine our harness design, even going to the extent of importing the slide clips from the USA.  Our final pattern was tested for several months by two wonderfully  energetic Staffies and they emerged with thumbs up.  See the comments below from  Carol,  owner of Rosie (pictured above) "Rosie is a lively 2 year old blue Staffordshire Bull Terrier so when I was given a pristine pink and orange hand made beautiful leather harness I was concerned that she would trash it instantly! However, she has been wearing it over the the last 3 months constantly. She finds it very comfortable and it certainly doesn’t “cramp her style”. I was impressed that it hasn’t stretched despite the huge amount of strain she can apply when she is on the lead. The pink buckles have been rolled on, scraped along walls and pavements yet have stood up very well. We always get positive com...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 140.00
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Similar Items to Holly&Lil Harnesses small/medium to large - The price of the holly&lil harnesses small/medium to large is £140. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to holly&lil harnesses small/medium to large added by our members that you might be interested in.
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