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Wee Gallery Flashcards

Wee Gallery Flashcards

Description: Flashcards of hand-painted originals that focus on the visual strengths of your baby. Whimsical animals made up of black and white repeating shapes engage and entertain your little one, transforming the cot into his or her own little art gallery. The cards are also a great interactive game for parent and baby.The Original Collection is a boxed set that includes a cat, an elephant, a fish, a giraffe, an owl and a snail. The Sea Collection includes a stingray, an octopus, a jellyfish, a seahorse and a fish. The Jungle Collection includes a parrot, a snake, a bear, a lion, a monkey and a zebra.Printed on sturdy board, these cards will stand up to baby's explorations. Each 5x7" card is beautifully finished with matt lamination and rounded corners.You can also turn the flashcards into a cool mobile with our great Nursery Mobile Kit (£9.95). And when your baby is older, you can use the mobile to display favourite photos.
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 9.95
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Similar Items to Wee Gallery Flashcards - The price of the wee gallery flashcards is £9.95. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to wee gallery flashcards added by our members that you might be interested in.
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