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Planes, Trains and the London Eye

Planes, Trains and the London Eye

Description:  Children's book can now be purchased at The London Eye gift shop. Harriet, William and Stuart are off to London for the day with their father.The adventure begins when the boiler at school breaks down and school is cancelled.  Join Harriet and her two brothers as they discover London.This is a fun book, that will help parents communicate the daily journey into London with their children.  Essentially, the daily commute seen through a child's eyes, filled with fun and adventure.About the author:  Sherry Ann Wiffen is vivacious and lovely.  Due to her long commute into London every day for work, she was inspired to turn the trip into a fun adventure for children to enjoy.Illustrator Cassandra Harrison, founder of Gee How Quaint, was commissioned to illustrate the adventure. 
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 10.00
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