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Decoupage 1960's magazine platter

Decoupage 1960's magazine platter

Description: Large decoupage plater covered in vintage 1960's DIY magazine cuttings. 48cm I have reinvented the old Victorian decoupage technique using vintage maps comics & magazines. I take bamboo or wooden bowls, plates, or vintage furniture & cover them with layers of cuttings. I fully glaze the items so that they have an irresistible glossy finish & ensure that they are durable & easily cleaned. The bowls are great as a man’s bedside trash holder, for his loose change, mobile phone & watch or for jewelry on a dressing table. The large round 48cm platters are great hung on the wall as a piece of ‘pop art’. Commissions I am able to cover in the theme of your choice so if you have a wedding in Scotland you need a present for I can make you a platter covered in a map of Scotland even centering the wedding location. A world atlas plate for a traveling friend, for a boy’s birthday how about a ‘Dennis the menace’ chair for his compute...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 95.00
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