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Cuski Comforter Blue-ee

Cuski Comforter Blue-ee

Description: Cuddle up with a Cuski! Cuski is designed to stimulate your baby's awareness of your assuring scents helping to induce security and wellbeing which is so important to your new baby, Cuski can also be introduced to help with sleep patterns in older babies. Bonding is easy! Mummy or daddy sleeps with the Cuski to transfer all those comforting scents onto its wonderfully absorbent material. Then, introduce to baby to create a naturally safe, secure environment. This helps to comfort and soothe your baby to sleep, whilst giving you the joy of a well deserved rest. Reassuringly Safe! Cuski is calming, safe and a healthy alternative to pacifiers and other infant sleeping aides. For your peace of mind Cuski has been fully tested to international safety standards. Cuski always retains its unique softness - wash after wash. Perfect present for newborn baby Creates a healthy sleeping pattern Comforts your baby to sleep Simple, functional and consistent Fully machine washable...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 12.95
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Similar Items to Cuski Comforter Blue-ee - The price of the cuski comforter blue-ee is £12.95. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to cuski comforter blue-ee added by our members that you might be interested in.
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