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60 Minute Light Aircraft Flight

60 Minute Light Aircraft Flight

Description: If we were meant to fly, we'd have wings. We've got the Wright brothers to thank for the alternative - light aircraft. With this experience you'll get to fly a plane yourself - fantastic fun whether you're trying it as a one-off, or taking your first steps towards a Private Pilot's Licence. Your experience starts with your feet firmly on the ground, with a briefing about flying techniques and safety. Then climb aboard your two or four seater training plane with a fully-qualified instructor. Each venue flies different craft but, with famous names from Cessna to Piper on the cockpit, you can be confident you're piloting the 'sports cars' of the aeronautical world. Then it's chocks away for your 60 minute flight, during which time (at the pilot's discretion) you can take the flight controls and experience the absolute joy of flying a plane. The feeling of control is brilliant, not to mention the breathtaking views... you'll never look at pl...
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 199.00
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