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Clippasafe Electric Cable Shortener

Clippasafe Electric Cable Shortener

Description: Music centres, computers and lamps seem to result in a large collection of wires and cables running throughout our homes, and with children constantly on the go they can prove to be a trip hazard. Not only can they cause a nasty fall, excessively long flexes are also dangerous when it comes to entanglement accidents. It's not an easy job trying to keep them hidden away and the more gadgets we get, the harder that job becomes! The Electric Cable Shortener will do the job for you, tidying away any trailing cables, from table lamps to small electrical appliances. Features - Tidy away trailing cables, from table lamps to small electrical appliances
Quantity:  1  
Item Price:  £ 2.99
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Similar Items to Clippasafe Electric Cable Shortener - The price of the clippasafe electric cable shortener is £2.99. Gifts & Lists has thousands of members adding gifts every day though. It's possible another member may have found this gift item or a similar gift at a better price. Here are some similar gifts to clippasafe electric cable shortener added by our members that you might be interested in.
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